
At MUNUC, students represent the perspectives of countries or, on some of our smaller committees, historical individuals, cities, publications, and other entities. Based on the committee placement, students will then discuss and try to resolve issues ranging from security to economics to education.

Below you can find the full list of committees that will be run at MUNUC 37. We look forward to welcoming you at conference!


General Assembly

Mr. Viren Maira, Under-Secretary-General (


Economic and Social Council

Mr. Mateo Lopez, Under-Secretary-General (


Regional Bodies

Ms. Emma Tung, Under-Secretary-General (  


Specialized Agencies

Ms. Daniela Santillan-Enriquez, Under-Secretary-General (


Hybrid Committees

Mr. Julian Tucker, Under-Secretary-General (


Continuous Crisis Committees

Mr. Allen Tousi, Under-Secretary-General (


Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General

Ms. Chritina Gao, Secretary-General (