How to Prepare

Background guide is your best friend
Your Chair will elaborate on the most important information regarding the historical event in the background guide. As you read through it, take notes on keywords and major events that lead up to the issue at hand. If your committee has crisis or other "surprising" special mechanics, read the background guide very carefully because your Chair or Crisis Director may hint at some directions they expect for the committee!

Expand your research focus
Use your background guide as a springboard. Does the background guide include any links or sources that might be relevant to your position? Documentaries could be a very amusing way to have a better understanding of the topic or event background. Books would be extremely helpful if you want to understand a topic very deeply. It’s impossible for a background guide to cover everything. Especially, you may not find all the information you need regarding the position you are representing. That’s why you shouldn’t stop after you finish the background guide.

Put yourself in the historical context
As you are preparing for the conference, always approach the topic from the simulated historical context. This can help you immerse yourself in that specific context, have a better understanding of the topic, and avoid inappropriate “time travelling” during debate. Always remember, the historical context matters!

Congratulations! You've finished the Intro to Historical Committees module.