Hybrids at Conference
1. Be a hybrid delegate. Don’t put all your focus into just traditional or just crisis—use both to your advantage.
2. Be flexible. Hybrids are, by nature, crazy! Some are experimenting with new mechanics, while some want to ensure a fun albeit challenging experience for delegates. While preparation is essential, don’t fret if your plans are unable to come to fruition; be ready to change course based on what happens in the committee.
3. Be eager to learn. Hybrid committees are a refreshing approach to Model UN. Since no one will be experienced in the particular structure of a given hybrid committee, everyone is on an even playing field, making for a far more interesting experience.
4. Have fun! Ultimately, that is why one does Model UN—you have a fun experience while learning something in the process!
Congratulations! You've finished the Intro to Hybrid module.