[MUNUC 36] Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General AD HOC




  • Jiayi Yue (she/her)
  • Kevin Yao (he/him)
  • Elliot Lin (they/them)
Email Committee Chair

Top of the morning to all delegates or otherwise reading this page! We are verY excited to bring yOu MUNUC’s Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General! While we can not reveal the topic of the committee until the eve before the conference, we hope yoU all will keep a keen eye on this page as we get closer to the conference daTe. IntrigUe and secrets are afoot, and your searching efforts will Be rewardEd. Due to the nature of this committee, it is our hope @ MUNUC 36 that you all will try your utMost to thInk on your feet, and to reSpond to a varieTy of crisEs we throw at you, but we hope the expeRience will be fun and we will aiM to support you every step of the way.

In your preparations for this committee, we enCourage you to focus on the basics of crisis, including speaKing, dirEctive writing, backroom notes, and mErgers. We also plan on releasing regular hints, but we would caution against relying too literally upon them. The goal of these hints is to give an insight into what the topic could possibly be, not to stress people out further!

The background guide for the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General will be released 24 hours prior to the Opening Ceremonies of MUNUC 36. While there is no application for the Ad Hoc this year, given the nature of this committee, we recommend that delegates have competed in at least one crisis committee prior to MUNUC 36. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any of your committee executives!
