Zoom Links
Looking for a Zoom Link? Here are all the Zoom Links for MUNUC 34!
If you want to show off some MUNUC pride, You can find MUNUC Virtual Backgrounds Here!
USG Group | Committee | Zoom Link | Meeting ID | Passcode | |||
Secgen | Opening Ceremonies | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/96125151199?pwd=OUZLUzh1WTJFY29wNVBzcUo2MkpkZz09 | 961 2515 1199 | MUNUC34 | |||
Secgen | Closing Ceremonies | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97823760468?pwd=QWpOamZBYlljVkkwT3dhWXFDaWNuZz09 | 978 2376 0468 | MUNUC34 | |||
Secgen | Advisor Meeting | 987 5935 4518 | MUNUC34 | ||||
Admin | Delegate Services | 957 8422 8288 | 546257 | ||||
Trainings | Thursday MUNUC Rules and Procedure | 913 4168 9073 | MUNUC34 | ||||
Trainings | Thursday Intro to Working Papers and Draft Resolutions | 419 991 1951 | 539777 | ||||
Trainings | Thursday Traditional Skills Workshop | 913 3525 2706 | 856772 | ||||
Trainings | Thursday Hybrid and Specialized Workshop | 938 8654 7313 | 426326 | ||||
Trainings | Thursday Crisis Training | 961 6842 0625 | munuc2022 | ||||
Trainings | Friday MUNUC Rules and Procedure | 991 9138 1243 | 491887 | ||||
Trainings | Friday Intro to Working Papers and Draft Resolutions | 994 1934 6474 | 288011 | ||||
Trainings | Friday Traditional Skills Workshop | 956 8244 8223 | 561341 | ||||
Trainings | Friday Hybrid and Specialized Workshop | 938 8654 7313 | 426326 | ||||
Trainings | Friday Crisis Training | 988 0744 9170 | 671832 | ||||
Specialized | Asia Cooperation Dialogue | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/93598193758?pwd=b2FzQVpzR3JQVWs3WVFtNDc1QUUwZz09 | 935 9819 3758 | 926970 | |||
Specialized | DOT | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/95956668038?pwd=UmN4aDRTb2pKZ0NpS01PVFJrZVo2QT09 | 959 5666 8038 | dot123 | |||
Specialized | IOC | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/91662839137?pwd=cGZDWE5xOFVqS09tQVJJSVhNdVFvUT09 | 961 8159 4810 | 92iPyQ | |||
Specialized | UN Charter | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97324747013?pwd=eUxxUGovby9uaGxDaWRJNXZzOVYyZz09 | 973 2474 7013 | 472882 | |||
Specialized | WTO | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/98124922773?pwd=VWJwQ2ZSWGhaUzkvM1RxY1NHQVlDdz09 | 981 2492 2773 | 371370 | . | ||
Hybrid | UNSC | 910 2785 2571 | UNSC34 | ||||
Hybrid | Eswatini | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/94839651378?pwd=WDB2NWNRZlZ6dnQ1S2J0ZFpqdURUdz09 | 948 3965 1378 | 071565 | |||
Hybrid | Peru-Bolivia | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/91217072908?pwd=Vk40d2hlSzUvY0ZhZWsyN3o2U1BrZz09 | 912 1707 2908 | 219529 | |||
Hybrid | Singapore | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/94104822314?pwd=SHNaYWVheDlqKzh0UVZ3Mm4rNENMdz09 | 941 0482 2314 | 542536 | |||
Hybrid | FDA | 967 2858 2042 | 787291 | ||||
Crisis | Sankara | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/99885325048?pwd=UWRxanV5RWFCUkR1TVZReUN4THFWQT09 | 998 8532 5048 | 932457 | |||
Crisis | Uruguay | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/6669955815?pwd=MEFTejIrS0FybzVVbStvSXdLTlE0Zz09 | 666 995 5815 | 008049 | |||
Crisis | Bush | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/96135806511?pwd=aGsxZ3czR2R0TG1ib1JhbUxtVy9vdz09 | 961 3580 6511 | 761852 | |||
Crisis | Catherine the Great | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/93856571612?pwd=VGxQREZid2FGTVR6bFNnRC9PTlRvdz09 | 938 5657 1612 | rusty | |||
Crisis | Mughal Empire | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/99845466017?pwd=ZWQxbEdtSXVLUUhSVVhqRlZhWFdiUT09 | 998 4546 6017 | mughal | |||
Crisis | West Berlin | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/93639992411?pwd=S2VseVhNMTJubEE1ei9TdHZRK1lSdz09 | 936 3999 2411 | 604911 | |||
Ad Hoc | Ad Hoc | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97392883838?pwd=S3c2UDI5Qnp5VlRIdXUvdVVQOHRkUT09 | 973 9288 3838 | 855991 | |||
Regional Bodies | African Union | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97703137027?pwd=N1dhMFFJUDJyM0RMZkVhaHJrcnhGdz09 | 977 0313 7027 | 395791 | |||
Regional Bodies | Arab League | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97931183537?pwd=TFpYYk1QMVo3VmxLMDFVVlBjeWF3QT09 | 979 3118 3537 | 192242 | |||
Regional Bodies | OAS | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/91752840852?pwd=UFg0MUtXUmRuQVFDekJYbGlEQmttdz09 | 917 5284 0852 | 312420 | |||
Regional Bodies | Alaska | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/97554226392?pwd=eEh2ekRmZDlqSEgxaWZWZ1UydXAwQT09 | 975 5422 6392 | 103504 | |||
Regional Bodies | Nordic Council | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/4199911951?pwd=N1o2SE1zbWJZb2toZ1RQVlIwQ0J6dz09 | 419 991 1951 | 539777 | |||
GA | DISEC | 929 2236 0493 | 794356 | ||||
GA | IAEA | 726 774 8476 | 71LR1g | ||||
GA | SOCHUM | 982 1628 6445 | 434654 | ||||
GA | ECOFIN | 986 9568 1002 | munuc34 | ||||
GA | SPECPOL | 974 9670 0439 | 854504 | ||||
ECOSOC | UNHRC | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/92835911799?pwd=SDl0TWttcndDQnV1OUxHQkZOY0VuZz09 | 928 3591 1799 | 949884 | |||
ECOSOC | CCPCJ | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/92919282284?pwd=dmZrTjdWMC9za280ZkdTVzFtSGhhdz09 | 929 1928 2284 | 095616 | |||
ECOSOC | UNESCO | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/93699097307?pwd=VTVqVlRnSGxxdHBBd0dKck44aHM2QT09 | 936 9909 7307 | 092082 | |||
ECOSOC | CSW | https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/98427509636?pwd=WW1xUVN3bDZ3Z1dSMmhyajF5UWp3QT09 | 984 2750 9636 | 054355 |